Jacob Beniflah التطبيقات

BiliCalc 1.3.2
Jacob Beniflah
Designed by a pediatrician, BiliCalc uses theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics 2004 "Management ofHyperbilirubinemia in Infants Greater than 35 Weeks of Age" tocalculate the threshold for starting phototherapy based on thepatient's age, bilirubin level, and neurotoxicity rk is. Inaddition, it will also tell you the patient's risk zone using theBhutani Nomogram.This program allows you to input the infant's age at time of labor manually input both the birth date and hour as well as lab dateand hour. The app has a direct link to source journal articles,nomograms, and a list of the neurotoxicity risk factors. SupportsUS and SI units (mg/dL and µmol/L).Intended for use by pediatricians, neonatologists, physicians,medical students, and pediatric nurses who treat newborn infants inthe hospital and as outpatients.BiliCalc has no advertisements!!!*****************************************BiliCalc should be used only as a reference aid. The informationcontained in the app should not be used as a substitute for theexercise of professional clinical judgement. Please contact thedeveloper if you find any errors.Keywords: Bilirubin, phototherapy, kernicterus, pediatrics,bilitool, jaundice, newborn, Bhutani, hyperbilirubinemia,bilitool.com, normal newborn nursery.
APGAR Calc 1.0
Jacob Beniflah
Designed by a pediatrician, APGAR calculates anewborn's APGAR score with great ease. Simply click on thedescriptors and the program will tell you the score. Additionally,it has a built in timer that will flash red, buzz, and optionallyemit an audible ring at 1 and 5 minutes to remind the user it istime to calculate an APGAR. The timer is optional. Apgar can becalculated at anytime while it is running or without using it all.Touch and audible reminders can be disabled in settings if desired.Reference articles are included.Feature Summary:-Simple way to calculate APGAR score-Optional timer able to remind you to obtain score at propertimesWhat is an APGAR?The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by Dr. Virginia Apgar as asimple and repeatable method to quickly and summarily assess thehealth of newborn children immediately after birth. It stands for"Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration."******************************************Intended for use by pediatricians, neonatologists, physicians,medical students, and pediatric nurses who are present at newborndeliveries.APGAR Calc should be used only as a reference aid. Theinformation contained in the app should not be used as a substitutefor the exercise of professional clinical judgement. Please contactthe developer if you find any errors.Tags: APGAR, pediatrics, Medical student, Dr. Virginia Apgar,EMT, paramedic, newborn delivery, APGAR score